SynCommerce with Etsy

Keep your etsy store in sync with your other sales channels and enjoy the freedom of multi-channel retailing.

Multi-channel selling made easy
  • Manage your inventory easily
    Easily manage your inventory and orders and have them syncd with your other sales channels.
  • Increase your reach
    Easily create listings and publish other sales channels. You can also publish to Shopify from other sales channels
  • Fulfill orders seamlessly
    Fulfill your orders and have them shipped to your customers whilst contstantly tracking it's progress
  • Get insightful analytics
    Make strategic business decisions from data and analytics from Shopify and other sales channels

How it works

Connect your etsy store

Great multi-channel retailing experience on SynCommerce starts by connecting your store to SynCommerce. You can do this in just minutes.

Import your products into SynCommerce

Get all your products automatically imported into SynCommerce after connecting your store. You can also import your products from your products page anytime.

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Create listings

In few steps, publish all the etsy products you want on other channels. You can equally send products created in SynCommerce or from other channels to your etsy store.

Fulfil and ship your orders

Track all your orders from connected channels in SyCommerce. Purchase and print shipping labels to fulfil those orders. You can also use other add-ons such as Shipping Easy to fulfil your orders.

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Automated syncing

Enough with the excel sheets, enough with switching from one platform to another to keep your inventory updated. SynCommerce automatically synchronizes the inventory you have on your connected stores once an order is placed on one channel or a change occurs on one channel.

Contact Us

We are happy to hear from you

MEST Incubator, Ambassadorial Enclave, 19 Banana St., East Legon, Accra

+1 (650) 488 - 8121


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